Defects can arise from a variety of sources, from initial build quality and workmanship, to the underlying soil & ground conditions along with other external factors. Defects can seriously impact on your enjoyment of & ability to maintain your property. Common defects being cracking masonry, sagging floors & roofs, distorted door & window frames, heat loss & ingress of damp. Based on many years experience we have many diagnostic techniques at our disposal to identify the cause of such defects & to then where required to prescribe remediation measures. Our first aim is always to assure ourselves & reassure you that any problems are not serious. However should action be required we are often able to value Engineer & prescribe cost effective and practical solutions.

We appreciate that reports for insurers etc can be expensive. Therefore wherever appropriate we will offer either verbal advice and/or the visit notes instead to allow you to remedy as cost effectively as possible.

In the first instance in accordance with our pricing page please relay information about the type and number of any defects with a plan and photos to the format as shown in the EXAMPLE – else if you are unable to do this please contact us to book a visit, visit charges as per our pricing page / map.

Example Defects Reports

The following links show the content of the various types & sizes of typical Reports Note due to upload size restrictions some pages removed in the larger reports.

Single Defect Report __________ Two Defect Report __________ Four Defect Report

Example Foundation & Tree Assessment Reports

The following links show the content of the various types & sizes of typical Reports Note due to upload size restrictions some pages removed in the larger reports.

Retrospective __________ Pre-start (1) __________ Pre-start(2)

All inspections are undertaken & reported by a Chartered Structural Engineer

Pricing – For typical prices please refer to the Visit charge map + Defects Reports section of our Pricing Page.

For all Defects Reports Contact S J Johnson Assoc’s

Some interesting observations of past inspections follow – could one be yours!